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Wesnoth Units database

Оръжеен майстор


Master fencers have an envied place in life. Though the journey to their station was a dangerous way of life, they have reached the time wherein they reap its rewards. Famed for their skill and dashing manner, these gentlemen have the bearing of natural aristocrats, and are followed by the eyes of many a high born lady.

They usually have the luxury of choosing their appointments, and are free to roam the land should they so elect. Often, they will be found as the captains of a castle guard, or as the master of a military academy, positions in which their flamboyant nature is not only accepted, but is perhaps even useful.

Special Notes:Бързоходството на единицата и позволява да пренебрегва Зоните на Контрол на враговете си и така да се придвижва необезпокоявана около и през тях.


Повишения от: Дуелист
Повишения към:
Цена: 44
Здраве: 57
Движение: 7
Опит: 150
Level: 3
Уклон: праведен
IDMaster at Arms
Умения: бързоходство

Атаки (damage - count)

близък бой
7 - 5
далечен бой
20 - 1

Съпротивителни сили

(icon) прорезна-30% (icon) прободна-20%
(icon) ударна-20% (icon) огнена0%
(icon) смразяваща10% (icon) мистична20%


Стойност на придвижването
(icon) Coastal Reef250%
(icon) Deep Water-0%
(icon) Flat160%
(icon) Frozen240%
(icon) Unwalkable-0%
(icon) Блато240%
(icon) Гора270%
(icon) Гъбен масив270%
(icon) Замък170%
(icon) Песъчлив терен240%
(icon) Пещера250%
(icon) Планини370%
(icon) Плитки води240%
(icon) Селище170%
(icon) Хълмове270%